Monier Seed Services

  • Seed Conditioning.

    Mayer Optical Sorter, Clipper Screen Cleaner, Oliver Gravity Table and meticulous seed handling, cleanout, and constant monitoring provide the highest value for you and your customers.

  • Seed Increases.

    Stewarded acres, small or large increases, identity protected, and high value products all have a place and proper handling in our production system. We ensure documentation, segregation, and product purity from planting to packaging.

  • Grow it.

    We work with local, trusted growers whom we have done business with for decades in seed production, increases, contract, and speculative production.

  • Seed Treating.

    We use your desired products and mixes, and ensure proper cleanout, mixing, and rate application. All treated grains are in a separate facility from the cleaning and conditioning. Every seed runs through a final screen to eliminate treatment buildup or final material in packaged product.

  • Monier Brand.

    We offer a wide variety of soybean seed options, wheat, and traited and non-GM products for your farm needs. High yielding, locally grown, tested, and proven. We only adance good product fits for our area.

  • Cover Crop Application

    Shay uses a 40’ Sunflower drill on 7.5” spacing for local cover crop application in Marshall County and the surrounding areas. if you are interested in these services or insight to best practices, give Shay a call!