Why Grow for Monier Seed?

We are growing our conditioning, treating, and packaging services at Monier Seed. Many industry partners value our local relationships in the community and with growers like you. By working with Monier Seed we will provide you the best and up-and-coming products in the industry, while also offering competitive premiums on seed soybean production. We are also partnering with farmers looking to grow high-value and Identity Protected (IP) products for seed or grain.


Who are we looking for? Farmers in Northern Illinois. We want farmers who are seeking extra value and premium for products similar or better than what they are already growing. The ideal grower communicates needs and issues well, takes pride in their fields and varietal integrity, is willing to conduct cleanouts of equipment between varieties, has segregated storage, and the ability to move grain and seed effectively as needed.


  • Premium varies greatly depending on demand for the product, product availability, and many other factors. Premium ranges from $.50/bushel uncleaned to $3.00/bushel uncleaned.

  • Seed costs are usually the same or lower. Some contracts provide free treatment, some reduced seed cost, and some provide the seed.

  • For some products, yes. However, a fair amount of production increases and seed stock will be your industry-wide trait packages you have come to know, trust, and manage on your farms. IP products may require additional management or unique programs, but nothing too out of the ordinary. There is a large demand for non-GM, high oleic, and high protein soybeans that offer good grower premium for very little extra management.

  • This is an area we are very optimistic of moving forward! Contracts are locked in place and guaranteed a certain number of bushels, premium, and other terms. Speculative production still has rules and guidelines and standards, but there is no guarantee of needing the product. This would be like a normal retail sale from Monier Seed, but with the possibility of the product being picked up as seed based on demand. We are offering $1.50 or more per bushel on speculative production contracts that we end up taking as seed. These offer some other flexibility, but of course do not guarantee a premium. The well-kept secret, though, is these are still industry-leading and new genetics and traits that will have great performance on your farm.

  • Great question. When you call, you get Mark, Shay or Hannah. We want to make it as easy as possible to do business with, not complicated. We also want to maintain and grow long-lasting relationships, not a flash-in-the-pan. Us working with industry partners allows us to be an advocate for you and also keep you distant from any bureaucracy or wild demands from other larger processors or seed companies, all while offering competitive or above-average premiums.

  • There are unique equipment cleanout requirements and purity requirements. As you can imagine, this is necessary as seed stock and value-added products, which is why they are worth more. A small amount of time meets requirements and guarantees premium and reduces any issues. We have processes and best practice information, and contracts will often lay out any additional requirements.

  • Mid-December to late March is common, but some seed products can be called on into May. Most contracts require growers to store or deliver seed for processing thru late April. We do our best to push communication from our partners and to our growers. Keep in mind there are also differences between contract and speculative production.

  • Click on the form below for the requested information. However, things like bin space and ability to store seed separately, seed handling equipment, types of machinery, and number of acres you may be interested in dedicating to production are all important!

Let’s grow together

If you are interested in growing seed products and want to share more about your operation, submit this farm and we will contact you directly!